Fuss Award 2024

At the trade fair Beauty 2023, we joined forces with the German Podology Association (Deutscher Verband für Podologie), the Federal Podology Association (Bundesverband für Podologie), the Association of Qualified Teachers (Verband leitender Lehrkräfte) and the company Ruck in cooperation with Dusseldorf Trade Fair to launch the Fuss Award 2024. The aim is to highlight and acknowledge special achievements in the field of Podology and foot care in the categories “Erfolgreiche Therapie” (Successful Therapy), “bestes Geschäftsmodell” (Best Business Model) and “Nachwuchstalente” (Talented Young Professionals).


For over 300 years, doctors and scientists at Charité have been conducting research and healing people at the highest international level, while some of the year’s best graduates from Germany and abroad teach the doctors and scientists of tomorrow. The company neubourg skin care has provided its “Deutschlandstipendium” (Scholarship for Germany) at Berlin’s medical school since April 2017. These scholarships are awarded to candidates who have delivered an outstanding performance and displayed above-average commitment, providing them with greater freedom for effective studying.

In 2020 these people demonstrated their capability in a quite spectacular way: besides being forced to accept a rapid changeover to digital learning, the scholarship holders displayed extraordinary social commitment. They volunteered for infection testing and care duties or for emergency childcare, recorded podcasts of lectures, prepared intensive care beds, and therefore took the pressure off the doctors and other clinic employees.

[Translate to English EN-EN:] v.l.n.r. Dr. Thomas Neubourg, Inna Megow u. Prof. Joachim Spranger

Wir – das Unternehmen neubourg skin care – sind stolz darauf, diese beeindruckenden jungen Menschen auf ihrem Lebensweg zu unterstützen und zu begleiten. So werden wir unserer gesellschaftlichen Verantwortung gerecht und knüpfen darüber hinaus eine fruchtbare Verbindung zwischen Wissenschaft, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft! 


In Germany new products to the value of approx. 2 billion euros are destroyed every year. We want to find a more sustainable way to operate. In order to avoid having to discard incorrectly produced goods, such as those with labels that have not been affixed according to specifications or where the best before date is within the next few months, we have recently teamed up with innatura, a non-profit company. innatura has over six years of experience in liaising with welfare institutions in Germany to distribute donated items in line with demand. This ensures that goods are sent where they are urgently required, and not just thrown away!

The items are made available to organizations and societies that are registered as charities in Germany, including children’s homes and homeless charities. More than 4,500 institutions already benefit from this arrangement. The range of products includes household goods, tools, writing materials and toys – but there is also a particular need for body care and cosmetics products in welfare institutions of all kinds. In turn, the institutions promise to pass on the goods free of charge to the persons in their care. This creates a genuine win-win situation – in the interests of the environment as well!